Designer Profiles


Christine J. Perrault, Owner/Senior Interior Designer

Christine & Rachel

Interior Designer with over 20 years of commercial design and business experience, Christine holds a BA, Interior Design from Washington State University. She has extensive experience in commercial planning and furniture procurement, opening the doors to her own commercial design firm fourteen years ago. Accomplishments include designing two wood casegood furniture lines, Atra & Luxe, introduced at World´s Trade Fair in Chicago and currently being sold by Novikoff Furniture Limited.

Rachel L. King, Senior Interior Designer

Interior Designer with BA, Interior Design from Washington State University, Rachel has over 20 years combined experience in commercial tenant improvement and office furniture space planning/specification. She has been with Perrault, LLC and working with Christine, for over 13 years, and has a passion for conceptual 3D & rendering, loving to mix bright and unique materials with texture to get the most out of a space. Accomplishments include partnering with Christine in the design of two wood casegood furniture lines, Atra & Luxe, introduced at World´s Trade Fair in Chicago.